Thursday, June 18, 2020

Bathroom Smells

Bathroom Smells

  • 10 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
  • 10 drops Grapefruit Essential Oil
  • 10 drops Bergamot Essential Oil
  • 8 ounces of water and
  • one small spray bottle
Mix everything together and spray directly in toilet, before using, for optimal effectiveness.

Alternately, you can mix all the oils together, omit the water and keep in a small stone or ceramic dish in your bathroom.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Polyester, microfibers and polluting the ocean

I admit it; I was a classic fail at looking out for the ocean.  In an effort to be chemical free and Eco-friendly, I have used a ton of microfibers over the past 10 years.  I was the perfect target because I suffer from skin sensitivities, so using a tool that could cut down or eliminate some cleaning solutions was like a dream come true.

I do admit, that in the past few years I began to wonder exactly how well microfiber cloths clean.  I  Sure, the catch all the dirt in their tiny microfibers, but then where do they go?  I knew they weren't as sustainable as natural fibers but I told myself it was a good swap because I wasn't using throw-away products and I was using very little chemicals.

I  have also tried to switch most of my clothing to natural fibers; I don't use fabric softeners (sensitive skin and have you read what's in them??) so sticking to natural fibers is a less shocking laundry experience.  So, I wanted to use natural cleaning cloths, too. 

After beginning to research sustainable practices when we bought a few acres and wanted to stop being such a burden to this sweet planet we call earth,  I was stunned and appalled to read things like this:  "In fact, microfibers have become one of the most commonly detected types of microplastic debris in water samples, found in headwater streams, rivers, soils, lakes, sediments, ocean water, the deep sea, arctic sea ice, seafood, table salt and most recently, public drinking water. Such widespread exposure raises concerns about potential effects to wildlife and human health. As a consequence, microfibers are increasingly gaining the attention of governments, regulators, companies, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), scientists and the news media." from Collaboration on Microfiber Pollution by Nick Mallos

I became increasingly sad and ashamed that I had contributed to this!  I am firm in not buying anymore microfiber, but what to do with what I already own?  I haven't found a perfect solution, but some suggestions I've found are:
  • Wash microfibers less often
  • Buy high quality microfibers
  • Buy a filter or nano ball to trap the microfibers when you wash them
  • Switch to cotton cleaning cloths as you can 
Let's keep working together and let me know the solutions you've found!  

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

How to Maintain your Vacuum Cleaner

Again, it all starts with prevention.  You may start to notice a theme on my blog!  Before we talk about how to maintain, we need to talk about the right machine for the right job. 

The first thing to consider:  Is this a vacuum cleaner that is easy for me to use?  If it is not, you will use it much less often, making it work harder and therefore, causing more problems or wear.  The second thing to consider if what, how much you have to clean and how often you will be using the vacuum cleaner.  Warranties are also different, according to how you use a machine.  You may think that "commercial machine" can work harder and it can, but sometimes has a shorter warranty period.  So, do your research, or, better yet, talk to a vacuum expert at a vacuum shop.  Then you can get the machine in your hands and see how it feels.

Once you've decided on your machine, find out what maintenance is recommended.  Do you need to change, clean, wash the filters?  How often do you need to have it serviced?  How do you know when it needs a belt change?  Buying something that fits your lifestyle and that you know how to maintain, will protect your investment.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

How to Clean a Bundt Pan

As with many things in life, it all starts with prevention!  Before you use your Bundt Pan, be sure to pick up some Baker's Joy spray.  This will not only make your cake come out easier, it will save you A LOT of time and frustration when cleaning.    The Baker's Joy spray is much easier and more effective, especially if you have a pan with more detail.  If you don't have this, brush with butter or shortening and flour.  It is not recommended that you use regular cooking spray.

Before and after use, wash with soapy water.  It is not recommended that you soak the pan for long periods.  Do not use abrasive cleaners or tools, as this can affect the functionality.

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Friday, July 21, 2017

Zero Waste Living

My husband and I both grew up on a farm.  We have been contemplating moving back to the country and have an offer in on some property.  All this has me thinking again about zero waste. 

I have been attempting to buy only natural fiber clothing for a number of years.  Why?  I think it feels better.  I don't use fabric softener (skin sensitivities, trying to cut back on chemicals, thriftiness and I hate the smell of it) so buying natural fibers REALLY cuts down on the static in my clothing. 

With my mind going in the direction of zero waste these days, I searched ways to dispose of/reuse/recycle cotton clothing.  I thought this was very interesting and had some ideas I hadn't even thought of: 

Here are the ideas I can think of (I'll try to ad more if I come across any others):
  1. You could turn the clothing into rags for cleaning, thus prolonging the life even further.
  2. You could also shred the fabric and turn it into yarn to be knitted/crocheted/macramé-ed into something new
  3. You can strip the clothing of anything reusable ( zippers, buttons, clasps) before you dispose of it
  4. Some all natural fiber fabrics could be composted (make sure you remove any non-biodegradable parts first)
  5. You could patch and repair the item, re-dyeing it to hide stains.

Can you think of other ideas to add to the list?  I can't wait to hear. 

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