Monday, December 6, 2010

Soda Stream and Martha Stewart

I am not afraid or ashamed to admit that I love Martha Stewart.  I have read her magazines for years.  I think she is a genius.  I record her TV shows and watch them and make the crafts that she shows and try the recipes she cooks.  I love her ideas.  Last night I was watching an episode I had recorded and she was making syrups to be used with soda water.

We recently began to carry Soda Stream Soda Makers in our store.  As with most products we have, I saw fell in love with, tried in my own home before we started to sell the Soda Stream SM's.  We really love ours, had a lot of fun with it Thanksgiving and have had fun in the store offering samples to customers.  Last time we ordered, they were out of cream soda.

Imagine my delight when Martha was making syrup for CREAM  SODA and her guest was using a Soda Stream!  I stopped the TV, looked it up online and made a batch right then.  It was fantastic!  I am so excited now to find & experiment with more recipes for syrup.  Here is a link to that one. Cream Soda Recipe at Martha Stewart 

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  1. BAA03E9C12HelenaE0AAB8A00DDecember 7, 2024 at 12:02 PM

    türk beğeni
