I have been attempting to buy only natural fiber clothing for a number of years. Why? I think it feels better. I don't use fabric softener (skin sensitivities, trying to cut back on chemicals, thriftiness and I hate the smell of it) so buying natural fibers REALLY cuts down on the static in my clothing.
With my mind going in the direction of zero waste these days, I searched ways to dispose of/reuse/recycle cotton clothing. I thought this was very interesting and had some ideas I hadn't even thought of:
Here are the ideas I can think of (I'll try to ad more if I come across any others):
- You could turn the clothing into rags for cleaning, thus prolonging the life even further.
- You could also shred the fabric and turn it into yarn to be knitted/crocheted/macramé-ed into something new
- You can strip the clothing of anything reusable ( zippers, buttons, clasps) before you dispose of it
- Some all natural fiber fabrics could be composted (make sure you remove any non-biodegradable parts first)
- You could patch and repair the item, re-dyeing it to hide stains.
Can you think of other ideas to add to the list? I can't wait to hear.
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